WooCommerce Order Communication | Customer and Admin Conversation


WooCommerce Order Communication

WooCommerce Order Communication module allows admin and customers to communicate over the orders. Each order has it’s own conversation panel and will be very helpful to resolve all the queries of customers.

WooCommerce Order Communication Live Demo WooCommerce Order Communication Documentation


  • Admin can enable/disable the module functionality.

  • Admin can enable communication for different types of order status.

  • Admin can enable/disable attachment sharing in order communication.

  • Admin can enable/disable admin notification via mail when customer responds.

  • Admin can enable/disable customer notification via mail when admin responds.

  • Admin can set the font color of the sender’s message.

  • Admin can set the background color of the sender’s message.

  • Admin can set the font color of the receiver’s message.

  • Admin can set the background color of the receiver’s message.

  • Customers can communicate with admin from order view page.

  • Admin can communicate with customers from edit order page.

  • Complete Editor will be there for the communication.

  • Messages will be private and secured.

  • UI is completely responsive.

  • Compatible with all the themes.

  • WooCommerce Email Templates are supported for notifications.

  • Multilingual is also supported with the given .pot file in the plugin.


Visit this URL for documentation of the plugin – User Guide



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