Myfriend - Social Networking App Android Studio

About the app

Myfriend is a social networking app that supports Android Studio, Firebase & Users can post videos, images & text, can like, share, comment. The MyFriend App Users can follow profiles, private chat. Users can post stories. Users can create groups, group chat.


Application Features

  • Sign-in: Added ability to login via email & phone number.

  • Sign-up: Added ability to register via email & phone number.

  • Welcome: Added ability for users to choose between register and log in with email or phone number on welcome.

  • Forgot password: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.

  • Walkthrough: Added ability for users to advertise the application on the first run.

  • Home: Added ability to see all kinds of posts Text, Image & Videos, and stories.

  • Night mode: Added ability to enable/disable night mode in the menu.

  • Follow System: The application Supports follow systems like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok.

  • Add Post: Added ability for users to add new posts as text or image or video.

  • Update Post: Added ability for users to update posts as text or image or video.

  • Private chat: Added ability for users to chat with other users, send text messages, images, videos & posts in chat.

  • Share the post in chat: Added ability for users to share posts in group & private chat.

  • Offline / Online, Sent / Delivered & typing status : Typing status, Offline / Online status & Sent / Delivered messages.

  • Chat list: Added ability for users to view all chated users & last message.

  • Following: Added ability to display all following users.

  • Followers: Added ability to display all followers.

  • User Profile: Added ability for users to open users' profiles and timelines and get their information and feeds.

  • Search: Added ability to search for users, posts, and groups with the ability to like during the search.

  • Search Filter: Added ability to filter search results via likes or comments or views and more.

  • Trending: Added ability to find all trending posts with a trending filter.

  • Profile Picture: Dynamic profile picture for users.

  • #Hashtags: Displays trending and related posts by users.

  • Ads: Display ads between posts and banner ads in the chat list, group list, edit profile & edit group profile.

  • Saved Posts: User can save posts to view them later.

  • Like: Added ability for users to like post or user comment on the post.

  • Comment: Added ability for users to comment text, images & video on post. Like & delete comments.

  • Views: Added ability to view how many users watched the video post.

  • Share Added ability for users to share posts to private or group chat & to other apps. Also to share from other apps with myfriend.

  • Delete posts: The user can delete his own posts.

  • Save Posts: The user can save posts to view them later.

  • Groups: Added ability for users to create groups.

  • Add members to groups: Added ability for the creator of group to add members to group & to make group admins (one or more than one).

  • Group chat: Added ability for users to chat with group members, send text messages, images, videos & posts in chat.

  • Edit Group: Added ability for creator or admin of the group to edit group profile(profile photo, name, username, bio & links).

  • Leave & delete Group: Added ability for users to leave the group and added the ability for the creator of the group to delete the group.

  • Blocked users: Added ability for users to unblock or block users' profiles.

  • Edit profile: Added ability for users to change their profile photo, name, username, bio, location & links.

  • My profile: Added ability for users to view their profile photo, name, username, bio, location, links & posts.

  • Stories: Added ability for users to post stories and view other users stories, with delete and number of views on stories functionality

  • Download post: Added ability for users to download post image & video.

  • MediaView: Added ability for users to view video and image in full screen.

  • Notifications: Push notification and notification page. Notification when users follow, likes, comments & send messages.

  • Menu: User menu with log out, delete the profile, invite links, and more options.

  • Change email & password: Added ability for users to change email & password.

  • Who liked the post: Added ability for users to know who liked their posts.

  • Toasts & Alerts: Added ability to display alerts, Toasts, success, errors, loadings, and more.


Android Studio


Import Project to android studio

Change package name, app name, color, logo

Connect to firebase

Connect to AdMob


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