Android News Mobile App- Admob, Facebook Nulled

Android News Mobile App- Admob, Facebook

Are you thinking of creating a Android News/Blog App?

Android News App is a mobile news system which run under Android platform that used for your own news or blog application. Developed with Kotlin Language, MVVM Architecture, Also Followed Modern Android Development make the app run fast and smoothly. Make the app beautiful in terms of design and user experience by implementing Google Material Design.

Admin Panel integration allows you to manage news, categories, notifications, and many other things whenever you want. PHP, Laravel, ReactJs and MySQL were used in the development of the Admin Panel side.

By using this app, you can save time and money on developing your own native mobile news/blog app because clean code and attractive design are the major priorities on this application


Android News/Blog Mobile App


Android News/Blog Mobile App Admin Panel View

Demo App APK


Demo Admin


Admin Panel Username:
Password: 123456


Android News/Blog Mobile App Major App Screens



Features For Mobile Application

  • Android SDK 22 Till Updated (Android Version Minumum 5.1)

  • Login Through Email Verification (User Can Skip Also)

  • User Friendly Design

  • Favorite Any News.

  • search option to find News of your choice.

  • From Setting Panel user can edit informations.

  • Modern UI UX For Smooth User Experience

  • User Can Share News to friends


Features For Admin Panel

  • Dashboard Will Show Total Category , Total Post, Total users, Total Share.

  • Total User And Admin Count Will Be Shown On Admin Panel Dashboard

  • Popular News View Increase & Decrease Percentage Will Be Shown On Admin Panel.

  • Add, Edit or Delete Your News Categories As You Want.

  • News Category Managing.

  • Create News Category

  • Create News Post as Article News or Video News

  • Upload News On Any Specific Category.

  • Managing Different Admin Roles.

  • Managing Users.

  • Different Types Of Ad Management.

  • Facebook Ads, Google Ads Can Be Managed By Admin Panel.

  • Native Ads, Interestetial Ads, Custom Ads, Banner Ads Can Be Placed On App & Can Be Managed From Admin Panel.

And lot more…

To see all the features, please install the demo from the link and go through all features to experiance all the features.


  • Android Studio

  • PHP Version 8 or above

  • Apache server

  • MySQL Database

  • Hosting with CPanel/WHM recommended


  • Android News App Source Code

  • Admin Panel Source Code

  • Database File

  • Proper Documentation


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