CashBook - Account and inventory Management System (Desktop App) Nulled

CashBook - Account and inventory Management System


CashBook is C# (Windows Form) based Desktop application. It is developed by C#. It is designed and develops for thinking shop, small business, company and any types of business. Here has accounting, management, invoice,user and data analysis.

    • .Net 4.6 and Above

    • C#

    • Windows Form

    • Database (Ms SqlServer)

Project Description

Application manages the Sales Invoices as well as Payments, Purchase Invoices as well as Payments, Customers, Suppliers, Expense / Income, Tax & Tax Grouping, Units, Categories, Products, ProductsGroup, Brands and business required Reports and much more. Very responsive template used, Advanced reports for review like Sales report, Purchase Reports, Sales Payments Reports, Purchase Payments Reports, Customer Ledger, Supplier Ledger, Trail Balance, Profit & Loss Reports , Balancesheet Reports, Expense reports, Customer reports, Suppliers reports, Stock Report and many mores….....

Application can be ready to install on local computer with easy installation process.

      • Complete Source Code & Database

      • Easy for installation and easily can update.

      • Regular updates

      • Free future updates

      • Welcome for suggestions


CashBook - Account and inventory Management System (Desktop App) - 1

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