FCM One-to-One Chat App with PHP, MySQL | Native Android Studio | Demo APK

This FCM One-to-One Chat App. Is One to One Realtime Chat app. Develop using Android Studio, MySQL, PHP, and Firebase Cloud Messaging.
The FCM One-to-One Chat App supports features like add friends using email id, accept/ reject the request, last seen, user status, send images, emoticon supports, android push notification, forgot password

FCM One-to-One Chat App has Well commented code and proper documentation with screenshots included.

Download Demo APK and project at bellow link.

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Key Features

  • Real-Time One-To-One Chatting.

  • Last Seen.

  • Emoticon Supports.

  • Tablet support

  • Based on PHP 5 backend and MySQL for web services and firebase cloud messaging for notifications for receiving messages or friend requests or accept friend requests.

  • Storing the history of chats in the backend MySQL database and in local SQLite storage in the android device.

  • the main screen has 3 tabs or you can display one tab by editing settings and choose show in the menu

  • Friends list with circular image, name, and status.

  • Friend Requests list.

  • Send text, emoticons, images from the camera or gallery.

  • Add friends by email, accept or cancel friend requests.

  • The user can update his email, name, status, image, and password.

  • One-time login on the device using shared features.

1. Android Studio
2. Local or Webserver


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