CloudHMRS Human Resource Management Solution Nulled
CloudHMRS Human Resource Management Solution
CloudHMRS is an awesome open-source Human Resource Management Solution and can use to fully manage an small or medium size company.
CloudHMRS is very easy to install and user friendly and responsive and come with support with Multilanguage(FR and EN) and PWA enable You can add more languages by simply translating one global Resource files
This is meant for developpers and does not require a lot of work
Demo Information:
Video Demo We provided 3 roles for user
User (employee)
Password: User@01
Password: Admin@01
Password: Super@01
- Full source code is included. Technology includes ASP.Net Core 3.1, C#, MySQL and MS SQL Compatible.
- A modular, service based web application model.
- Full Documentation is included.
- Google captcha
- Multilanguage
- Dashboard
- Hr Management
- Documents Management
- Employee Management
- Department Management
- Holidays Management
- AwardList Management
- Leave Application Management
- Company’s General Setting
- Administration
- User Management
- User Role Management
- Accounting Reports
- Income
- Expenses
- Pay Slip
- Allowance/Deduction
- TimeSheet
- Attendance
- Project
- Users Goals
- Tasks
- Full Calendar
- Appointments
- ToDo List
- MailBox Messages
- Reports
System Requirement.
- Windows Server or Windows Based Hosting
- IIS7 OR above
- .Net Core 3.1 Should be Installed
- MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE or MS SQL Server 2015 or above version
- Visual Studio 2019
Installation Steps
- Unzip the product
- Open the project solution using Visual Studio 2019
- Make sure you have MySQL Workbench installed or you have access to RDS Mysql
- Edit the connection string at appsettings.json to target your MySQL server
- Run the project by press the play button
- your application ready to use now.
note: the database will be automatically created
We utilized the best development tools and frameworks on the .NET technology stack.
- ASP.NET Core 3.1 (MVC)
- AdminLTE (Free)
- Visual Studio 2019 (Free Community Edition)
- C#, JavaScript, jquery, CSS, HTML
Minimum Knowledge Requirements
You are a .NET Developer with below conditions: Have or little experience of using Visual Studio 2019 (or above) Have or little experience working with .NET Core and C#
Help Us Grow
We spent years and have learn what companies needed before implementing this application It may contains more than what you want because of the amount of features
Please use what you only need
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