School Management Software with Source Code, VB.NET

School Management System:

This School Management System build using VB.Net in Visual Studio 2012.
This system contains Student management, Staff management, Exam management, User management, Class management, Subject management, Fees management, Accounts, and Payment.

School management systems positively impact parents, teachers, students, administration or non-education staff and management. It does so by reducing the burden of repetitive tasks and processes by taking over them or by making communication or work easier through the use of intuitive features. The Project is based on a concept to maintain and generate school’s administration easily.

Download Trial App Using the following link :
Trial App

Purchase Complete Software Source Code here.

Development Details :

  • IDE : Visual Studio 2012
  • Database : Access Database, MySQL Database
  • Reporting : Crystal Reports 2015
  • Language : VB.NE

Features :

  • Student :
    • Add Student
    • Student Details
    • Update Student Details
    • Print Student Details
  • Class :
    • Add Class
    • Class Details
    • Print Class Details
  • Staff :
    • Add Staff Member
    • Staff Details
    • Print Staff Details
  • Exam :
    • Add Exam
    • Add Exam Marks
    • Exam Details
    • All Exam Details
    • Student Wise Exam Details
    • Print Exam Details, All Exam Details, Student Wise Details
  • Fees :
    • Add Fees
    • Fees Details
    • Collect Fees
    • Fees Collection Details
    • Print Fees Details, Fees Collection Receipt
    • Print Class Fees Details
  • Subject :
    • Add Subject
    • Subject Details
    • Print Subject Details
  • Account :
    • New Transaction
    • Transaction Details
    • All Transaction Details
    • Account Summery
    • Print Account Summery, Transaction Details, All Transaction Details
  • Security :
    • Add User
    • User Details
    • Update User Details
    • Delete User
    • Software Activation using Unique Key per system
  • Payment :
    • Add Payment
    • Payment Details
    • All Payments Details
    • Print Payment Details, All Payments Details


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